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Ways to help support Emma's humanitarian trip to Kenya (blog written by Osteopath colleague and fellow humanitarian, Adinda Helsen)

Hi everyone,

My name is Adinda Helsen and I am an osteopath from the Netherlands.

I am volunteering for Divinity Foundation since 2013 and I am an European Board member of Divinity.

Kenya and especially the Divinity Family is in my heart.

I am sure we will have an amazing experience this expedition with a strong team from all over the world. If you have questions during or before the expedition, feel free to contact me/us.

We are very happy with your help as volunteer and it means a lot to us that you give your expertise and spare time to come to Kenya and help Divinity Foundation. We don’t take this for granted and can’t say thank you enough!

I want to tell something about some themes during our medical expedition.

1. If you have space left in your suitcase, we will be very happy with second-hand clothes for children/babies like t-shirts, socks, pants, dresses and trainers/sneakers. We will hand these out to the people in Pokot and Amboseli at the sites where we are going to work during our expedition.

2. During previous expeditions we saw that people and especially children don’t wear proper shoes (if they even wear them at all), we started a campaign to bring crocs with us to the sites in Pokot and Amboseli where we are going to work. A pair of these will cost around 350ksh. We hope to distribute at least 300 pairs of crocs, what costs us 105.000ksh

3. A lot of girls in Pokot and Amboseli are missing school for a whole week every month, due to their periods. Menstrual health is poor. We are trying to make and bring 600 hygiene packs with us to distribute in Pokot and Amboseli. A hygiene pack contains soap, package of sanitary towels and underwear. Each hygiene pack costs 150ksh With 90.000ksh we can help a lot of girls in these areas.

4. Due to the long drought period especially in Pokot and Amboseli, there is a severe lack of water and food in Pokot and Amboseli. The last 3 years we distributed thousands of food packages, containing 2 kg beans, 2kg rice and 1kg flower. We hope to get the chance to distribute 1000 food packages during our expedition. Costs of each food pack is 1400ksh, for 1,400.000ksh we can help 800 families.

If we have a total of 15,950,000ksh we can realise all of this (crocs, hygiene packs and food packages).

Besides our medical camps we will visit our girls in our Rescuecenter in Amboseli. Our strong, brave and beautiful girls are having a lack of:

- 35 New blankets & Bed sheets. Blankets costs ksh350 each

- 30 pair of canvas shoes. Costs ksh400 a pair

- Vegetables seeds for our farm

- New knifes and cooking spoons. Costs ksh2500

- 30 new Fleece jackets for the cold

- Art supplies

- 30 matching skirts

- 30 same colour sweatpants

Don’t feel obligated to help us. As said/written before, being with us as volunteer means already a lot to us. Maybe you can tell about our themes to family, friends, colleagues and patients or post a message on social media, so they know what you are going to do and how they can help us if they want.

Together we are strong and as a team it will be possible to help the families in need in Pokot and Amboseli!

If you would like to learn more, please visit the charity’s website and if you’d like to sponsor a girl, please contact me direct at

Thank you. From the very bottom of my heart, thank you.

Emma Wightman

By Emma Wightman