About Naturopathy

“Nature cures, not the physician”


What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a system of healthcare which promotes the body’s natural self-healing mechanisms.

Naturopathy is based on 8 core principles:

1.     Vis Medicatrix Naturae (The Healing Power of Nature) – the practitioner works to restore and support the body’s inherent self-healing mechanisms when they break down

2.     Vitality – the body’s living energy or life force (also known as Qi/chi/prana) is what ultimately ‘cures’. When suppressed, ill-health can occur and recovery is slow. The practitioner works to stimulate it.

3.     Primum Non Nocere (First Do No Harm) – naturopaths abide by the Hippocratic Oath which promises to avoid doing harm. They prefer non-invasive treatments which minimize the risk of harmful side effects, and they know what they can treat safely and when to refer to other types of practitioner.

4.     Tolle Causam (Find the Cause) – a naturopath will seek to find and remove the underlying cause of the symptoms by taking a detailed case history, incorporating aspects of lifestyle, diet, emotions, constitution, genetics, social factors and the environment.

5.     Treat the Whole Person – a naturopath takes a holistic approach: health (or disease) comes from a complex interaction of physical, emotional, dietary, genetic, environmental, lifestyle and other factors.

6.     Docere (Doctor as Teacher) – a naturopath aims to educate and empower the client to take self-responsibility for health.

7.     Preventive Medicine – a naturopathic approach can prevent illness from occurring or minor illness from developing into more serious/chronic conditions.

8.     Establish wellness – the primary goal of a practitioner is to establish and maintain optimal health and to promote wellness, regardless of a patient’s current level of health.

