One of the key principles of Pilates is learning to work your body whilst aided by your breath.
How can breathing help with maximising the effect of exercise?
The Stockbridge Osteopathic Practice is a lively and patient focused practice. We are a friendly, vibrant team, dedicated to working with each other and with your body.
Our principles are the same: We aim to give the body the support and guidance it needs to stimulate the healing process and to address the cause and not just the symptoms of each condition. We will endeavour to spend the time to listen to you and your body and look to treating each individual with our tailored and integrated approach.
With your help, along with the selfless groups of volunteers, the tireless work of our Kenyan colleagues connecting us to the local communities, and the vision and direction of the Divinity Foundation, together we can make a difference.
During your online consultation with us we can offer advice, guide you through exercises as well as self-treatment options using, balls, bands and foam rollers.
Contact us on 01264 810028 or The phones are operating between 9am - 7pm and emails are frequently monitored.
Whether you are looking for the most up to date advice about how to look after your body or you want to find out more about the work we do at the practice, take a look through our blog and discover all the amazing content that we have published with you in mind.
If you have any questions you would like to ask please use the form on the contact page, send an email to or call us directly on 01264 810028. You can also call to make an appointment or use our online booking page.
Osteopathy is a primary health care system, complementary to other medical practices. It is suitable for almost anyone and can contribute to the treatment and management of a wide range of conditions. Osteopaths primarily work through the neuro-musculo-skeletal system, mostly on muscles and joints, using holistic and patient-centred approaches.
A core principle behind osteopathy is the idea that the body is an integrated whole, and contains self-healing mechanisms that can be supported as part of the treatment. No part of the body works, or can be considered, in isolation. Relevant psychological and social factors also form part of the process of patient diagnosis.
Cranial Osteopathy is a subtle form of osteopathic treatment that uses very gentle pressure to encourage the release of stresses throughout the body. It is called 'cranial' because treatment often involves the head, although other parts of the body such as the spine and tailbone can also be involved.
Sports activities are a regular way of life for many of us now, and involve people from across all age groups, from those who have an avid interest to those who just wish to keep fit; from the elite professional to the casual participant. Many of the injuries are the result of overuse i.e. playing too hard and too often e.g. tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, and biceps tendinitis, or from not warming up properly beforehand or from not warming down after exercise.
Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that assists the body to heal itself. The remedies used are safe and are not chemical drugs. Homeopathy takes into consideration the wider holistic aspects of the patient’s life and situation, as well as their presenting symptoms.
Pilates is an exercise method, designed to elongate, strengthen and restore the body to balance. Based upon an anatomical understanding of the body's muscular and skeletal systems, the Pilates teacher creates a comprehensive exercise programme for the client. Classes will focus on specific areas individually whilst using exercises that integrate the whole body to re-educate and restore it to optimum muscular and skeletal function.
Massage can be restorative, calming and peaceful. It can help circulation, drainage, and the softening of tissues. Massage can also help maintain the body in better condition, improve tone to injured muscle tissue and prevent injury.
A naturopath uses a great deal of common sense and traditional therapies to support health and wellbeing, “in the gentlest, least invasive, most efficient manner possible”. A Naturopath is a health practitioner who applies natural therapies which may include diet changes, food supplements, herbal remedies, exercise and lifestyle changes.
At a time when poor diet, stress, modern technology and environmental pollution play a significant role in health, lifestyle and natural medicine is now of considerable importance. A naturopath uses a great deal of common sense and traditional therapies to support health and wellbeing, “in the gentlest, least invasive, most efficient manner possible”. A Naturopath is a health practitioner who applies natural therapies which may include diet changes, food supplements, herbal remedies, exercise and lifestyle changes.
Osteoporosis is common amongst older adults, and screening is important in helping avoid debilitating fractures and longer term complications.
Western Medical Acupuncture is type of treatment, adapted from traditional Chinese acupuncture, that involves the insertion of very fine needles using current anatomical and physiological knowledge. It is based on well researched medical evidence.
Based on the principle that there are reflexes in the hands and feet which directly link to all the organs, glands and parts of the body, reflexology is the method of using the thumbs and fingers on these reflexes to relieve stress and tension and bring the body back into balance.
We welcome bookings for new and follow up appointments either at the practice or online telehealth by phone on 01264 810028, by email at or online here
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Appointment times include the full consultation, examination and treatment
First consultation (Emma)1 hr£134
First consultation (Tracey)1 hr£130
First consultation (Nicola, Roberto) 1 hr £128
Follow up consultation (Emma)30min£67
Follow up consultation (Tracey)30min£65
Follow up consultation (Nicola, Roberto)30min£64
Mother and Newborn check (Emma)1 hr£134
Mother and Newborn check (Tracey, Nicola)1hr£130
One of the key principles of Pilates is learning to work your body whilst aided by your breath.
How can breathing help with maximising the effect of exercise?
Headaches, migraine, back, neck or joint pain, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), fibromyalgia – they’re just some of the common causes of chronic pain.
We understand how physically and emotionally draining long term pain can be, and many clients come to us having ‘tried everything’!
Find out how to identify the triggers of pain, how to break the cycle of constant flare ups, and how to finally do the one thing you have been avoiding for fear of re-injury…
For decades, icing an injury has been a standard recommendation, especially following acute trauma like sprains or strains. However, recent evidence suggests that this approach may not be as effective as once thought. In fact, icing could actually delay recovery and hinder the body’s natural healing processes.
Read on to find out better was to reduce pain and support your healing response…
The clocks have gone back and the days are shortening. Before we know it, the festive season will be upon us.
This is an ideal time to think about supporting our immunity, especially with all the viruses around this autumn.