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The best orthotics for your feet are… your glutes (buttock muscles)!

It may surprise you to know that when I see a patient with dropped arches that I have identified are part of the reason they are in pain or injured, I rarely suggest orthotics, and more often advise glute (buttock) strengthening exercises.

When the glutes are weak or unable to contract strongly due to pain signals, the position of the leg can deteriorate, allowing a collapsing inward of the knee and a drop in the arch of the foot.

The foot is only as stable and strong as the hip that drives it.

Some symptoms of poor foot and hip mechanics may manifest themselves as

·      Plantar Fasciitis

·      Sever’s Disease

·      Achilles strains

·      Meniscus and cartilage damage at the knee

·      Ligament strain at the knee

·      Ilio-tibial band syndrome

·      Clicky hips and groin pain

·      Tendinopathy and hip bursitis

·      Back ache

·      Pelvic floor dysfunction


So rather than bracing the foot with arch supports and rigid orthotics, we must look outside the shoe and further up the leg to find our solutions

Orthotics may have a place in the short-term management of pain symptoms, but they must be phased out alongside a comprehensive treatment, strengthening and mobilising program.

Our feet are already constantly restricted by our shoes, and it is vital that we don’t further lock up the foot with long-term bracing in the style of orthotics, wedges or supports.

The very vast majority of us wear sturdy, warm and supportive footwear all the time. These types of boots, shoes or trainers have the effect of constantly propping up our feet, a bit like being in a constant corset, or ‘foot coffin’ as Katy Bowman calls it!

The foot gradually loses its sensitivity, strength and mobility.

There are no quick fixes here, but for long term health of both your hips and feet, aim to spend as much time as you reasonably can in minimal shoes or barefoot, and ensure you are doing daily activities that engage and strengthen your glutes such as hill walking, stairs, dancing, squats and lunges, DIY and gardening.

For a great glute activating exercise try my ‘Crouch to Toe Reach’ exercise, up on my You Tube channel and website now.

Your hips control the arch of your foot, therefore your glutes are your best arch supports. They can’t be bought, they must be developed.

Get in touch if you need more guidance and advice on this, we love to chat!

Emma Wightman

By Emma Wightman