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What are the health and healing benefits of touch?

Touch is important – from the smallest touch on someone’s arm when you ask how they are to a full-on full body massage.


Studies have found that people who engage in regular physical touch are less likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression, as human touch lowers blood pressure and cortisol levels (cortisol being the stress hormone).  It can also trigger the release of oxytocin, the hormone which, amongst other things, promotes emotional bonding to others. 

It can also help with relaxation, trust, security and self-esteem.


However, not all people like to be touched.  Childhood experiences, attachment issues, lower self-esteem and sensory sensitivities can all contribute towards this. 

This is called Haphephobia. 


Reflexology can come in handy here – the aim of reflexology is to produce homeostasis in the body as all the glands and parts of the body have a reflex point in the feet.  Often people will cope with having their feet touched when they can’t cope with having the rest of their body touched and, working the different reflexes can help with a number of health issues including stress.  The therapist can work different reflexes i.e. the adrenal glands to help with the regulation of adrenalin, the diaphragm to help calm breathing, the spine for all the nerve innovations and the head and pituitary gland for the release of oxytocin and the regulation of cortisol production.  All these, when put together in a treatment, can really help with stress. 

Likewise, if digestion is a problem, the entire digestive system from the mouth downwards can be worked through the feet rather than working on a patient’s abdominal area.


Massage is another form of touch and there are a variety of different types from the very gentle Manual Lymphatic Drainage and relaxing spa type massages to Sports or Thai massage with a whole host of other types in-between.  With all massage however, the muscles are stretched helping to release toxins as blood flow is increased and circulation is assisted.  Range of movement can also be increased with stretching; the immune system is strengthened and there is decreased joint inflammation and muscle stiffness.   All of this can lead to better quality of sleep, less pain and soreness and improved flexibility. 


What’s not to love about touch!?


Sarah Sellick

Itec Level 5 Sports Massage Therapist

Advanced Reflexologist

Also trained in:

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Pregnancy Massage

Oncology Massage

Medical Acupuncture