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The best resolution for 2024: Make the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice

With 2024 in mind, I invite you to consider this approach for the new year ahead. With this guiding principle to your lifestyle choices you can easily set yourself up for a whole year of improved health and well-being!


And to help you along the way, our plan is that every month this year we will bring you inspiration, motivation and ideas on how to make the healthy choice the easy choice.


In a world inundated with convenient and tempting but often unhealthy options, making the decision to prioritise health can be challenging. However, by adopting a few simple strategies inspired by the Blue Zones and the whole-body Osteopathic approach, it is possible to transform healthy living from a daunting task into a seamless and natural part of daily life.


The Blue Zones are regions around the world where people are not only living longer but are also doing so in good health. The lifestyles of individuals in these regions offer valuable insights into how to not only make the healthy choice the easy choice, but to make it the unavoidable choice!


Here’s the ‘how to…’


One key aspect of promoting a healthy lifestyle is creating an environment that supports positive choices. Start by organising your living space to encourage healthier habits. Keep fresh fruits and vegetables readily accessible in your kitchen and keep processed and unhealthy snacks out of the house. A clutter-free and organised space can have a surprisingly positive impact on your mental well-being, making it easier to focus on making healthier choices.


Meal planning can streamline the path to a healthier lifestyle. Plan your meals for the week ahead, ensuring they are balanced and nutritious. Ensuring you have a good protein source in every meal will make it considerably easier to avoid snacking between meals. The Blue Zones inhabitants are known for their plant-based diets, incorporating beans and legumes, and limiting meat intake, contributing to their longevity and well-being.


It's essential to stay hydrated, but sometimes choosing water over sugary drinks can be a struggle. Make hydration a no-brainer by carrying a reusable water bottle with you wherever you go. Having water readily available not only makes it easy to stay hydrated but also reduces the likelihood of opting for less healthy alternatives like fizzy drinks or fruit juices.


Incorporating physical activity into your routine is a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle. However, it's not always easy to find the motivation to hit the gym. Make exercise a part of your daily life by choosing activities that you enjoy. Whether it's gardening, DIY, hiking, or simply taking a brisk walk, finding activities you love will make it easier to stay active consistently.


Lastly, the Blue Zones underscore the significance of social connections in promoting health. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who prioritise health, forming a supportive community. The social fabric in the Blue Zones plays a crucial role in the well-being of the residents, emphasizing the positive impact of social support on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


By taking inspiration from the Blue Zones and incorporating their principles into our lives, we can make the healthy choice not only the easy choice, but also the unavoidable choice. Creating a supportive environment, planning meals, staying hydrated, enjoying physical activity, and fostering social connections are key steps toward a healthier and more fulfilling life.


If you like this approach to health, why not find out more on the next 6 week Womo Women’s Health course, beginning February 19th? It could be the healthiest and easiest choice you make to kick start your new year! Visit the website for more info and booking.


Happy New Year my friends!

Emma Wightman

By Emma Wightman