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Did you know that February is the ancient month of purification?

It seems quite fitting that after a few days (or weeks in my case!) of enjoying an abundance of delicious food and a shift in the usual routines, that February is the ancient month of having a good clean up and clear out for the body!

However, the term ‘detox’ has become an overused and often inaccurate term in the wellness industry. Its popularity has led to the marketing of products and programs promising quick fixes and often oversimplifying complex physiological processes. So I’m here to set the record straight!

The complex process of detoxification and elimination is carried out by the liver, kidneys, digestive tract, lymphatic system, respiratory system, and skin.

And here are some easy ways to make healthy choices in supporting your body’s clean up systems:

1. Hydration

Water aids in flushing out toxins through urine, sweat, and breath. Ensuring an adequate intake of water helps maintain the function of the kidneys, skin and bowel. Green tea and electrolyte-rich fluids such as bone broth contribute to hydration and enhance the elimination of waste products. Try making a bone broth after your next Sunday roast.

2. Nutrient-Rich Food and Time off Eating

Antioxidant-rich foods such as fruits, cruciferous vegetables, herbs and spices help neutralise free radicals, and support the liver by increasing glutathione production, an important antioxidant for reducing oxidative stress. Aim for 30 a week.

Additionally, fibre-rich foods such as nuts, seeds, berries, beans, lentils and barley support regular bowel movements. Avoiding constipation is vital to prevent the reabsorption of toxins from the stool.

Following an intermittent feeding pattern on some days will help your body’s natural cleaning autophagy processes. This means limiting your eating to a 10 hour window during the day to allow your digestive system a 14 hour break from food. This break from food helps boost your gut microbes and allows the good bacteria to get to work on cleaning up the lining of the gut. Can you skip breakfast 1 or 2 days a week?

3. Sweat It Out: Exercise and Sauna Therapy

Regular physical activity stimulates the lymphatic system. Exercise increases blood circulation, and combining cardio and weight training appears to raise glutathione more than one type of exercise alone. Sauna therapy induces sweating, facilitating the removal of toxins through the skin. Aim for 19 minutes in the sauna to maximise the benefits.

4. Quality Sleep: Repair and restore

Sleep is when our body repairs, heals and restores itself. This is especially important in the brain because deep sleep triggers the brain’s waste removal system, the glymphatic drainage system, to clear away toxins that can lead to neurodegenerative diseases. Aim for 8 hours sleep a night.

5. Mind-Body Practices: Stress Reduction

Chronic stress creates a low-grade whole-body inflammatory response and can deplete the immune system which impairs the body’s ability to eliminate toxins efficiently. Mind-body practices such as walking in nature, deep breathing exercises, and yoga have been shown to reduce stress levels.

If you’ve overdone it at Christmas or feel in need of a fresh start to 2024, these 5 powerful steps will help your body clean up itself without the need for expensive supplements, extreme diet plans or intensive fitness regimes.

If you like this approach to health, why not find out more on the next 6 week Womo Women’s Health course, beginning February 19th ? It could be the healthiest and easiest choice you make to kick start your new year! Visit the website for more info and booking.

Emma Wightman

By Emma Wightman